Attention: Anyone Who Drinks At Least One Cup of Coffee a Week...

“FACT: Did You Know Your
'Coffee Habit' Could Be Killing

Here's The Shocking Science That Proves Why Drinking Coffee Is A Nightmare for Your ‘Health and Well-Being’ - and A Disaster for Your ENERGY Levels (In The Long-Run)…

You’ll Also Discover:

A New, Great-Tasting, Highly Energising Alternative to Coffee - that Can Help You De-Stress, Relax and Sleep Much Better...

Dear Friend,

If you regularly drink coffee, because you like the way it increases your ENERGY LEVELS, and helps you FOCUS - you need to read this letter carefully…

Very carefully indeed.

Because, you’re about to discover:


The Coffee Industry is a Giant Scam

Run by Huge Companies, making BILLIONS of Dollars a year. Ripping off innocent people like you and I…

Selling us a drink they tell us is healthy, when in fact - the shocking truth is that, over time, it CRIPPLES your energy levels…

Sends your Stress and Anxiety into the Stratosphere…

And, contributes towards the Total Destruction of your Health and Well-Being.

Before we get into all that, lemme ask you a few quick questions:


If you answered “YES” to one, or all, of those questions - it doesn’t surprise me. Because:

Official Statistics show that:

Now, I want you to know that I understand exactly what it’s like to be addicted to Coffee. In fact, several years back - I used to drink 7-15 cups of Coffee a day (and up to 30 Shots of Espresso in a day)…

“YES,” really - that’s not a ‘typo’...

I’d regularly drink up to FIFTEEN cups of Coffee a day. And, 30 Shots of Espresso!

In the mornings, I needed my first pot of the day to ‘Wake Me Up.’ Without it, I’d still feel half asleep, and groggy-as-hell.

Then, as the day wore on, my Energy Levels would constantly fluctuate. I’d drink Coffee - which would Spike my Energy Levels. Then, an hour or two later, I’d Crash again - once the Caffeine wore off - so I had to have more coffee, just to feel OK again...

Without realizing it, I was completely addicted to Caffeine, especially in the form of Coffee. Though I did my fair share of Tea, Soda and ‘Energy Drinks’ too (which all contain A TON of Caffeine).

I hated the feeling of being completely hooked on this substance, just to get through my day… and, back then, I didn’t even understand how TOXIC it was, or how much DAMAGE it was doing to me. I HATED being so dependent on something.

It sucked.

Big time.

However, I’m pleased to say that these days I never, ever, drink Coffee.

And, I get my Energy, Mental Focus, and Clarity, in other - much Healthier, and more sustainable - ways.

I’ll talk to you much more about that, and tell you a bit about ‘my story,’ in detail - very soon.

First though, let’s discuss…

The No Bullshit Science About How Coffee (Caffeine) - Really Works
(and Why It Screws Up Your Health, Energy Levels, Vitality and Sex-Drive, In The Long-Run)…

“Scientific FACT: Coffee Ruins Your Energy Levels In The Long-Run”

Forget, for a second, the idea that Coffee is HEALTHY.

Because, it’s not.

Also, drop the idea that Coffee gives you Real Energy. Because, I know it feels like it gives you Energy - but it doesn’t.


“How can it be possible that it FEELS like Coffee (Caffeine) gives you Energy - when it doesn’t?”

Well, let me tell you a WEIRD, and GRUESOME story that explains it all...

How You’ve Been ‘Tricked and Conned’ Into Drinking Coffee…

I was once told a story that during Winter, in the Arctic - where it’s very cold, and food is scarce - the Natives have a clever Technique to hunt a Wolf.

What they do is bury a Knife, Blade Upwards, in the Ice, and put a little bit of FRESH BLOOD on it.

The Wolfe is starving Hungry, and desperate.

And, when it smells the BLOOD - it’s overcome with the desire to EAT it.

So, it starts licking the Blade of the Knife, to get the Blood. Cutting it’s Tongue in the process.

However, the Wolfe doesn’t notice it’s cut it’s Tongue, because it’s so tired and hungry.

The result?

It keeps licking the Blade - thinking it’s drinking the Fresh Blood of another Animal. What’s really happening is that it’s drinking it’s own Blood…

And, in the end - it Bleeds to Death.

This is a great analogy for what Caffeine does to us. It makes you feel like you’re getting the ENERGY you so desperately crave…

But really, just like the Wolf drinking it’s own Blood - it’s depleting you of Energy. And robbing you of Health and Vitality.

Now, I understand that what I just said is a BOLD CLAIM. So, let me back it up with the indisputable Scientific FACTS.

Turn off all distractions, give this letter 100% of your attention. And, you’ll soon understand why, Scientifically, Caffeine is extremely:


Prematurely Ageing…

And, gives you nothing but FAKE Energy.

Here’s The Proven Science That The Monstrous Coffee Corporations - and The Thugs That Run Them - Wish I Wasn’t Revealing to You…

“Sharing a Coffee with a Friend Might Seem Like ‘Harmless Fun’ - but What’s It Doing to You In The Long-Run?”

Right now, I’m gonna show you how Coffee really works. According to the PROVEN Science.

Now, don’t worry - I won’t get overly technical with you. Yet, at the same time - I won’t leave anything out…

I’ll simply show you exactly what you need to know about how Coffee really works - and the very negative effects it has on your Health and Vitality. No more, no less.

Sound good?

Ok. Let’s get into it…

First thing you gotta be totally clear about, is that even if you think Coffee gives you Energy - it doesn’t!

Let me repeat:

Coffee does not give you Energy! (Not even ‘Short-Term’ Energy).

So, why does it feel like it does?

Here’s what you need to understand. Pay attention:

Your body has 3 main Neuro-Chemicals that your Central Nervous System (CNS) uses to keep you feeling CALM, and RELAXED. As opposed to feeling agitated, anxious and STRESSED.

One of these 3 main Neuro-Chemicals is called:


And, your CNS uses Adenosine in a couple of really IMPORTANT ways:

  1. To keep you calm, and relaxed
  2. As a building block of Adenosine Triphosphate, also know as ‘ATP’

Now, the really interesting thing is THIS:

‘ATP’ is literally how your body makes Cellular Energy!

Let’s get real clear…

Your CNS needs the Neuro-Chemical ‘Adenosine’ to feel calm, and relaxed. It also needs Adenosine to create ATP - the source of TRUE ENERGY in your body.

Here’s the Shocking Secret the Coffee (Caffeine) Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know:

Coffee BLOCKS your body’s production of Adenosine.

Read this next part REALLY carefully…

If your body doesn’t produce enough Adenosine, then your Adrenal Glands, and your Adrenal Neuro-Chemicals - like Adrenaline, and Cortisol - goes into overdrive…

The result being:

You CANNOT feel Calm, or Relaxed. Because it’s impossible.

So, you feel Stressed. And, you get an agitated, false, FAKE, kind of Energy!

Honestly, it’s not even Energy at all…

It’s really just a dangerous inability to Chill-The-Fuck-Out, and not be STRESSED.

Or, to put it Scientifically:

“Your Adrenal Glands are overstimulated, flooding your body with overly large amounts of Adrenaline and Cortisol, which are extremely damaging to your Body and Brain.”

FACT: Science has shown that too much Cortisol can lead to:

And, remember:

Possibly the most important point of all: the temporary blockage of Adenosine also interferes with your body’s production of ATP. Which is the key to real, long-term, sustainable ENERGY.

What a great business, huh?

Get people hooked on something - completely addictive - that makes them feel like they’re getting energy…

While actually ravaging their Central Nervous System, poisoning their body, and ruining their Health and Vitality. And, making them feel Tired, Irritable and Depressed if they don’t have Caffeine.

To make matters even worse

These Drug Pushers fund misleading ‘Research’ to make you think Coffee is Healthy.

Let’s be clear…

The truth is that any genuine Health Benefits that Coffee may, or may not have, are totally outweighed by the devastating effects on your Adrenal Glands and Adenosine Production (as explained above).

See what I mean about The Coffee Industry being a Giant Scam?

The more you drink it - the less Energy you’re able to naturally produce. Because the Adenosine you need to produce ATP (real energy) has been interfered with, by Caffeine.

The result?

You drink more, and more, and more Coffee.

No wonder there’s a fancy Coffee Shop on every street corner, in every major city!

No wonder so many people - including me several years back - are drinking 10 or more cups of Coffee a day!

Oh, and by the way…

If you regularly drink Coffee from one of these fancy Coffee Shops - it’s even more harmful than if you brew your own at home.


Because, often - they contain way more CAFFEINE than a normal cup of Coffee. In fact, it can be up to 10X as much Caffeine per cup!

For instance, one of the best-known Coffee Shops in the USA, has a popular Coffee on it’s menu that contains 475mg of Caffeine per serving. In comparison, when you make Coffee at home - it’ll generally contain about 50mg of Caffeiene.

Big difference.

Now, WAIT!!!

If you thought that was bad enough...

Take a look at this:

The Really Sinister Effects of Long-Term, Regular Coffee (Caffeine) Consumption…

“Drinking Coffee can Cause You to Age, FAST!”

One of the things you need to know about Coffee is that there’s A LOT of Scientific Research indicating that it’s incredibly DEHYDRATING.


Science has PROVEN that a 2% drop in your Hydration levels - can lead to a 20% drop in both Mental and Physical Performance.

So, does it really make sense - and can it really be ENERGISING - to drink something that dehydrates you?

Course it can’t.

Doesn’t matter whether you want incredible Mental Performance….

Incredible Athletic Performance…

Incredible Sexual Performance…

Or, any other kind of performance.

You ain’t gonna get it if you’re DEHYDRATED. And, Research indicates that Coffee can dehydrate you. FAST.

Worse still

Have you ever noticed how OLD people have wrinkly SKIN?

Well, that’s because they’re literally DRYING UP!!!

I kid you not…

Babies, and young children, are made up of about 75% WATER. If not more.

Old people are often just 50% water. If not less.

That’s why many old people look like shrivelled up, lifeless Prunes. It’s one of the reasons why their joints ache, and their bones are fragile, and breakable.

It’s sad.

They’re literally DRYING UP - and a large part of that dehydration, for many people, is years of drinking Coffee. Or, ‘Coffee Abuse’ as I prefer to call it.

So, Coffee is Prematurely Ageing.

That's a FACT.

Honestly, if you wanna look 40 when you’re 30… 55 when you’re 40… or, 80 when you’re 60 - and you’d like to be totally REPULSIVE to members of the opposite sex - drinking a few cups of Coffee a day  (or, other Caffeinated Drinks) would be a great way to do it!

Crazy thing is…

I’m not done yet. Have a look at this next bit…

The Truth About How Coffee Can Make You a ‘Sugar Addict’

If the effects of Coffee weren’t bad enough on their own - Coffee can also help to make you addicted to Refined Sugar. Refined Sugar being just about the most destructive ‘food’ you can put in your body.

Now, you already know how Coffee stops you being able to Relax and Calm down (by over stimulating your Adrenal Glands). And, you know how it prevents your body being able to produce REAL ENERGY…

All of which leads to ‘SPIKES,’ and ‘CRASHES,’ in your Energy Levels.

Of course - one way to deal with a ‘Crash’ in your Energy Levels is to drink more Coffee. But, that only makes the problem WORSE in the long-run…

...Despite the fact that it’ll temporarily Stress-You-Out enough to make you think you have some Energy.

However, another way to deal with a CRASH is to have some SUGAR! Yet, Sugar is, in it’s own way, just as bad as Coffee.

For instance, Refined Sugar Consumption can lead to:

Can you see what a disaster Coffee is for your Health?

The really Nightmarish News is this:

A huge percentage of Coffee Drinkers have several cups a day - with Sugar added!!!

That’s a great way to poison yourself, continuously, throughout the day. Each and every day.


Action Step: Right Now,
Burn These 7 Key Points About Coffee (Caffeine) Into Your Mind…

  1. Science has PROVEN that Caffeine blocks your body’s ability to produce Adenosine. When you can’t produce Adenosine, you feel STRESSED - giving you a FAKE ENERGY. Adenosine is also required for ATP production - the true source of Cellular Energy in your body… meaning that, when you drink Coffee (and other caffeinated drinks) - it’s impossible to enjoy steady, long-term, sustainable Energy
  2. The more Caffeine you consume, the more you crave it (because, over time - it makes you more and more STRESSED, and less and less Energised)
  3. Coffee can be very Dehydrating - which is a nightmare for all types of Performance (Mental, Athletic, and Sexual Performance included… so, it’d be fair to say that Coffee can make a person, weak, slow, and unable to fulfill the #1 thing they’re here on Earth to do - REPRODUCE!)
  4. Coffee is extremely Prematurely AGEING, because it increases Cortisol, creating issues like Weight Gain, Depression, Low Sex-Drive, Fatigue, and Insomnia (plus, it’s bad for your Joints too)
  5. When you drink a lot of Coffee - it usually makes you crave Sugar, to overcome the ‘Energy Crashes’ Coffee gives you. The combination of Coffee and Sugar is even worse than Coffee on it’s own
  6. Regular Coffee, combined with Sugar, is a great way to go from Slim, to Overweight, to Obese (or even, Morbidly Obese). Modern Science, and The Medical Establishment believe, and have proved, that being Overweight or Obese greatly increases your chances of getting potentially life-threatening diseases like Heart Disease, and Type 2 Diabetes (which can lead to Blindness, Amputation, and, for men... ‘Erection Problems’ too)
  7. When you consider the previous 6 points, the only smart, logical conclusion is this: Regular Coffee (Caffeine) Drinking has the very real potential to ruin your body, age you rapidly, stop you having Sex, and contribute towards the Early Termination of your Life

Important Point:

It might seem normal to drink Coffee all day long - and consume other Caffeinated Drinks - because everyone else around you is doing it.

However, think about it for a second…

Don’t most people around you have the exact type of issues I’ve just been talking to you about?

These days, Health Problems like Obesity, Depression, Anxiety and Fatigue are more common than ever before.

How did people get into this mess?

It’s Not Your Fault…

Right now, you could be sat there, reading this life-changing letter, feeling very GUILTY about drinking Coffee. Because you now know how BAD it is for your Health and Vitality…

For your Energy Levels…

For your Sex-Life…

For your Joints…

And, even for your Physical Appearance.

However, even if you’ve drunk 5, 10 or 15 cups of Coffee a day - for the past 20, or 30 years - I don’t want you to feel bad!

See, none of this is your fault.

Not one bit of it.

After all, the Huge Coffee Companies aren’t really regulated. Meaning, that they don’t have to tell you how Coffee really works…

And, worse

They can trick, and mislead you, into thinking Coffee is actually good for you!

So, they get away with selling something that’s really TOXIC to Human Beings…

They make BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of DOLLARS doing it…

And, they even, at times - convince good people that the junk they’re selling is HEALTHY. When really it’s POISON.

As you can see - it’s not your fault.

Can’t be.

You can’t, as one individual person, be expected to know the levels of deceit and deception these Big-Business Coffee Selling SCUMBAGS will go to... to make you believe their product it SAFE (and Healthy)!

Of course, it isn’t your small, local Coffee Shop Owner’s Fault. And, nor is it the fault of the Nice Guy, or Gal, serving you Coffee at a well-known Coffee Shop…

It’s the people running the Huge, Multinational Coffee Companies who are to blame. Because, it’s them who TRICK and DECEIVE everyone else - including their employees, smaller coffee retailers, and everyone who drinks Coffee.

Still, there’s not much point getting ANGRY, and BLAMING people - because, that won’t help you improve your Health and Vitality.


All I expect you to do, right now, as a person of ACTION - is to ‘Step Up’ - and do something with the FACTS, now you know them!

Make no mistake - the secrets I’m sharing with you, about how Coffee RUINS YOUR HEALTH, could land me in BIG TROUBLE.

But, that’s just the straight-up, no nonsense kinda guy I am…

I want people to know the truth. I want YOU to know the truth.

And, when I find the truth out - I’m gonna share it!

No matter what.

Let’s take a look at:

2 Examples of The Disgusting Lengths that ‘Big Business’ Coffee Companies will Sink to - to Try and Convince You That Drinking Coffee Is Good for You:

“Huge Companies will Tell You Anything to Make You Give Them Money!”

First example is companies selling ORGANIC Coffee.

Now, hear me out….

I’m all for Organic Food. Because Organic food has been proven to contain less Pesticides, and other Toxicity.

That has to be a good thing for your Health, as well as the Planet!

And, from that point of view - Organic Coffee is better than regular Coffee.

But, to make people believe Coffee is HEALTHY, just cuz it’s ORGANIC - is just plain stupid. At best.

At worst - it’s a crime worthy of ‘Jail Time.’ At least in my opinion.


The big problem with Coffee (and other drinks such as Tea, many Sodas and so-called ‘Energy Drinks’) - is CAFFEINE.

Because it’s the Caffeine that blocks your body’s ability to produce the important Neuro-Chemical Adenosine. And, it’s that blockage in Adenosine production that makes you stressed, agitated, and unable to produce REAL ENERGY.

So, Organic or not…

Coffee (caffeine) still SUCKS.

No matter how ‘Organic’ it might be. No matter how fancy the packaging…

It’s still Poison for your Central Nervous System!

Second example, is those companies ‘Cashing-In’ - and getting Filthy Rich - selling Coffee and telling you to add High Quality Butter, or Coconut Oil.

Of course, they’ll sell you the Butter, and Coconut Oil too! ;)

Now, I’m a HUGE FAN of Raw, Organic Butter, and Coconut Oil. I use them regularly when cooking.

But, adding them to Coffee - in an effort to make Coffee ‘Healthy’ - is just plain DUMB.

Let me explain why, from a Proven Scientific Standpoint:

Adding FAT to Coffee - be it Butter, or Coconut Oil - slows down the rate at which the Caffeine gets into your Bloodstream. The idea of this is to give you less of an ‘Energy Spike’ - and less of an ‘Energy Crash.’

They’re trying to tell you that adding Butter, or Coconut Oil to your Coffee will give you ‘Even, Steady Energy, throughout the day.’

However, the reality is that all this strategy is doing, is suppressing your body’s production of the Neuro-Chemical Adenosine, for longer. Because it takes longer for all the Caffeine to get into your system.

The Result?

You’re losing even more of your ability to be RELAXED and CALM.

Plus, you’re losing even more of your ability to produce REAL ENERGY.

The result is THIS:

You end up feeling agitated, anxious, stressed - and even paranoid - virtually all the time!

Many Top Scientists Also Agree on The Following Facts:

By adding FAT (Butter, Coconut Oil, or even Cream), to your Coffee - the Caffeine is delivered to your body via the Fat (as opposed to being delivered via the WATER, as is the case with ‘normal’ Coffee, without the added Fat)…

This means the Caffeine can then get dumped into your cells, in Fat Soluble Form. Meaning it lasts A LOT longer, and can stay in your body for a greater length of time…

Because, Water Soluble Toxins are cleared out of your body quickly

Whereas, Fat Soluble Toxins can stay inside of you for months, or even years. Building up over time.

These Toxins will be stored in your Body-Fat - until you start Exercising, go on a Diet, or do a Detox. At that point, the Toxic Caffeine is then released into your system all over again!

And, to make matters even worse

Fat is a very important part of your cells. So, any kind of Toxicity that shouldn’t be there - like Caffeine - is going to interfere with the normal operation of your cells.

None of which is even remotely good!

Right now, you might be wondering:

“Is there a SAFE, and NATURAL, alternative to Coffee, that can give me Real and Sustainable Energy, plus - Mental Clarity and Focus. Without the drawbacks and negative Health consequences that come from Coffee Consumption?”

The short answer is:

“Hell YES.”

Here’s the deal…

I’m Ashamed To Admit It, But It’s True

10 Years Ago I Drank 7-15 Cups of Coffee a Day, Felt Exhausted All The Time, Had No Sex-Drive, and Debt Up To My Eyeballs…

Here’s How I Turned It All Around, and Regained My Health, Vitality, Energy Levels, Sex-Drive, and Financial Well-Being!

“Coffee, Smoking, Drugs, Bad Food - I Did It All, and Paid The Price…”

By the time I hit just 25 years of age - I was in a real mess.

You see, for many years - I’d lived off a diet of Coffee, Sugar-Rich Processed Food, and  Cigarettes.

I’d had to quit my well-paid, prestigious job as a Head Chef - because I couldn’t handle it anymore…

Mentally, or Physically.

And, I’d replaced it with a low paid job that I could just about manage.

My finances were a joke…

I had CREDIT CARDS, and other DEBT, all over the place. And, I was always AFRAID that someone would come knocking on my front door - asking for payments I owed them.

It was embarrassing, humiliating…

And, to be quite frank - pretty SCARY too.

And yet - as bad as my ‘Money Situation’ was - it was nothing like as BAD as my HEALTH!

You see, the years of Coffee, Sugar, and Cigarettes had really started to AGE me. Remember - I was only 25, yet I:

If I sounded like a bit of a LOSER. That’s because I was.

Anyhow, I could go on. But I think you get the idea…

I was a 25 year man, who’d aged himself 50 years.

I literally felt 75.

Years of starting my day with a pot of Coffee - and then drinking more Coffee throughout the day… along with eating Sugar-Rich, High Carbohydrate Processed Food, and Smoking Cigarettes… had really messed me up.

But, thankfully…

I didn’t just roll over and ‘Accept My Fate.’

Instead, when The Shit really ‘Hit The Fan’ - and I genuinely believed that DEATH might only be a few years away for me, I decided to:

Get Healthy, or Die Trying!

“Eating Well Won’t Undo The Negative Effects of Coffee, Sugar and Stimulants”

Here’s how that worked out…

I started by doing all the obvious stuff…

Drinking more Water, and eating better - Organic, Natural Foods. Juices, Smoothies, Big Salads, Grass Fed Meats. All that kinda stuff.

Then, I exercised regularly. Even hiring a well-respected Personal Trainer at one point.

I also did Yoga…

I ‘Detoxed’ in many ways…

Went for Massage, Reflexology, Acupuncture, and other ‘Alternative Therapies.’

I slept more.

Of course - I also went to see a regular Doctor. And, he simply said:

“You're just a bit stressed Mr Robinson.”

The result?

Some of it helped. A bit.

Yet, I still felt like absolute SHIT!

I still had no Energy, and no Sex-Drive. And, I could still barely hold-down my low-paid job.

And, even though I successfully stopped the Cigarettes, and was eating better - I was still doing at least 7 Cups of Coffee a day, and sometimes as many as 15. Usually with Sugar added…

Because, without that Coffee (and Sugar), I still felt ‘As Flat as a Pancake’ - Tired and Exhausted all the time…

Lacking any kind of Real Energy.

But Then, My Fortunes Changed

You see, one day I was walking along the Sea Front, in my home City of Brighton, here in England.  Worrying about Money, listening to the Seagulls overhead.

About 20 minutes into my walk, I noticed a shop that had these words written on the window:

“Traditional Chinese Herbal Remedies”

Now, a few years back I’d have looked at this and LAUGHED it off as some ‘New Age, Hippy Dippy Bullshit.’

But, right now, I was DESPERATE.

So, I walked through the door, with a somewhat open-mind. And, I'm delighted to tell you that what happened next…


Here’s why:

The Chinese Doctor talked to me for quite some time. And, once she had a clear understanding of all my symptoms - she basically explained to me that I’d burned myself out

Completely depleting myself of what the Chinese call:

‘Reserve Energy.’

To cut a long conversation short… she told me what to do to begin the process of building my Reserve Energy back up…

And, within just a few days - I was feeling ENERGY like I hadn’t felt in years! And, I stopped drinking coffee…

Because, I simply didn’t need it anymore!

Now, I’ll explain what the Chinese Doctor had me take, to replenish my Reserve Energy, in just a second.

First, let’s talk about:

What ‘Reserve Energy’ Really Is - 
and Why You Won’t Need, or Want, to Drink Coffee 
(or Eat Refined Sugar) Once You Have Plenty of It…

The Ancient Taoists - Eastern Masters of Health, Vitality, Energy, and Sexual Performance - believe that there are 2 kinds of Energy.

These 2 kinds of Energy are called:


Of these 2 kinds of Energy - Reserve Energy is the most important.

You see, ‘Every Day Energy’ comes from the Food you Eat. And, the Air you Breathe.

If you’ve ever gone without food for a long-time - you’ll likely know what it’s like to have LOW ‘Everyday Energy.’

The way we’re designed is that, during exceptional times - or in an emergency - you have to push yourself harder, to a point where your ‘Every Day Energy’ isn’t enough. This is when you have to use your ‘Reserve Energy.’

This is fine, so long as it only happens occasionally.

The problem is…

If you dip into your Reserve Energy frequently - you become more and more DEPLETED. And, you eventually get to the point where you have to use your Reserve Energy just to get through a normal day.

That’s what happens with Caffeine Addiction...

When you consume Caffeine, you use up your Reserve (Adrenal) Energy.

You see, Coffee (Caffeine) gives you a FAKE kind of Immediate Energy. Because, what Coffee gives you is actually High Stress Levels - making you think you have Energy. Whereas really, you’ve just depleted your precious and limited Reserves.

Here’s where things get interesting…

If you want to experience and enjoy high Energy Levels every single day - with no ‘Energy Crashes’ - you need a high level of Reserve Energy. Remember: Caffeine depletes your Reserve Energy Levels.

Now, life isn’t always fair - and when it comes to Reserve Energy - life is definitely NOT fair!

You see, everybody is born with a different amount of Reserve Energy.

For instance, my Reserve Energy levels were always LOW. Even as a Kid.

When you understand who my parents were - it makes sense. You see, my Dad had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome all his adult life. And, my Mother had Cancer 4 times. Before it finally killed her in her early 50’s.

My point?

I had lousy GENETICS. Especially for Energy.

Other people could have probably lived my ‘Early 20’s Lifestyle.’ Living off Coffee, Sugar, and Cigarettes - and they might have got away with it for YEARS longer than I did.

It caught up with me - making me feel like DEATH - by age 25… because I had very low natural levels of RESERVE ENERGY.

But, it’s not all ‘Doom and Gloom.’

And, it doesn't all depend on ‘What Nature Gave You.’

You see, you can build up your Reserve Energy Levels, and you can protect them. And, if you build up your Reserve Energy Levels enough, that’s when you’ll enjoy:

High Energy Levels every single day, with no Energy Crashes (exactly what I now experience).

And, when you get to this point - where you have great levels of Energy all day long - you simply don’t want or need Coffee.

Same goes for any other Caffeinated Beverage (such as Tea, or Sports Drinks), or High Carb, Sugar-Rich Food. You simply don’t want, or need, it anymore.

You might be wondering:

“How did I get to this point, where I no longer had the desire to drink Coffee, and eat Sugar?”

Well, you see, The Chinese Doctor also gave me some:

“Special SuperHerbs’ that Give You Incredible Energy Levels - While Also Helping You De-Stress, Calm Down, Sleep Better…

And, Enjoy A Better Sex-Life!”

It was only when I took the Special SuperHerbs the Chinese Doctor gave me - that my fortunes REALLY changed.

Within a few days of taking the SuperHerbs, I noticed the following benefits:

To be truthful…

These SuperHerbs changed my life.

As well as all the benefits I’ve shown you above, I decided it was time to start a new career.

And, if we fast forward to today - I’m nearly 40 - and I’ve now spent over a decade teaching people how to regain their Health, Energy and Vitality

Using all-natural approaches, including SuperHerbs!

I’ve literally gone from being a Lifeless, ‘Coffee, Sugar, and Cigarette Addict.’ With debt up to his Eyeballs…

To being a well-respected, and highly successful ‘Health Guru,’ who has helped many thousands of men and women to enjoy the Health, Energy, Vitality, Well-Being, and Sex-Life they deserve!

And, now I’d like to help you do the same…

Introducing - ‘ReCharge’

The ‘SuperHerb Blend’ That’s Superior to Coffee In Every Way - Giving You Incredible Energy Levels and Whole Bunch of Other ‘Health Benefits’ Too

ReCharge is a SAFE, NATURAL, SuperHerb Blend. Made up of nothing but 9 Ancient Taoist SuperHerbs…

Combined in very specific quantities.

It comes as a ready-made powder, in a packet. Just like Coffee.

The big difference is:

It also tastes great - with a distinct Toffee Smell and Flavor to it.

If you wanna make it sweeter - you just add some Honey or Stevia.


When You Consume 2 Level Teaspoons of ReCharge - You Can Expect The Following Awesome Benefits:

And, so much more.

As you can see - ReCharge is an incredible SuperHerb Blend. Offering you A TON of Health Benefits…

Without any of the Negative Health Consequences you get from things like Coffee, Sugar, and other ‘Energy Drinks.’

It is, without doubt - the ultimate Energy, Recovery, Endurance and Stamina product on the market. It can give you INCREDIBLE Performance.

What Makes ReCharge Different To Everything On The Market?

There are many PROVEN FACTS that make ReCharge different to every other product out there that claims to give you Energy, reduce your Stress Levels, and improve your Sex-Life.

Here are 7 of the best:

#1. It Isn’t Addictive or Ageing

Most of the products on the market that claim to give you more ENERGY - are full of stimulants.

Caffeine - the stimulant found in Coffee, and the vast majority of ‘Energy Drinks’ - is the most common Stimulant. But, it’s by no means the only one.

The bad thing about stimulants is that they burn you out. They stop your body from being able to produce REAL ENERGY.

Stimulants make you stressed, anxious, agitated, and stop you sleeping as well.

All of this tricks you into thinking they give you real energy!

But, they don’t.

In reality - they EXHAUST you.

And, the more you have of them, the more you CRAVE. Making stimulants - like the Caffeine found in Coffee - highly addictive.

Worse still…

Because stimulants - such as Caffeine - stop you from being able to produce REAL ENERGY, and stop you from being able to relax and calm down - while also making you STRESSED, anxious and agitated - the end result is that Caffeine and Stimulants are highly AGEING.

The FACT that Caffeine is also very dehydrating, also contributes to Premature Ageing.

ReCharge isn’t addictive, and will help you stay Youthful.


ReCharge gives you REAL ENERGY…

By building up what the Ancient Taoists refer to as ‘Reserve Energy.’

As you can clearly see - all of this makes ReCharge VASTLY superior to Caffeine-Rich drinks such as Coffee, and so-called ‘Energy Drinks.’

#2. It Won’t Rot Your Teeth

“The Effects of Things Like Coffee and Sugar - Ugly, Yellow, Rotting Teeth!”

It’s well-known that Coffee stains your teeth. Making them yellow, and UGLY.

Makes your breath STINK too.

Sugar - the other thing people use to get over ‘Energy Crashes’ and make them feel a short-lived ‘Hit of Energy’ - is also incredibly bad for your teeth.

FACT: do enough sugar, and it’ll rot your teeth right off the bone.

Imagine THAT - a mouth full of missing, or bright yellow, teeth. With breath like a Dragon.

 Good luck enjoying a great Sex-Life with that smile!

And, best of luck paying the Dental Bills!

Of course, ReCharge isn’t coffee, doesn’t contain Caffeine - and certainly doesn’t have any Refined Sugar in it.

Therefore - it won’t rot your teeth.

#3. It Doesn’t Destroy Your Health

Stimulants - like Caffeine - will destroy your health.

Refined Sugar  - will destroy your health.

Can you now see how most people are literally KILLING themselves?

They drink Coffee - usually with Sugar added - all day long

They eat processed, sugar rich foods - all day long

They drink ‘Energy Drinks’ often.

It all adds up to a Health Disaster. And, living like that is a fantastic plan - if you want to develop Life-Threatening Diseases.

Thankfully, ReCharge will not only give you the Energy you crave - it’ll do it without ruining your health…

In fact, it’ll help you build incredible health every time you consume it!

#4. It’s Free From Toxic ‘Fillers’

“Many Supplements Contain ‘Toxic Fillers’ ”

Most supplements are ‘padded-out’ with ‘Toxic Fillers.’

What this means is that you buy a tub, or packet, of a supplement - thinking it’s healthy.

Yet, the sad reality is - much of the powder you get isn’t part of the ‘Active, Healthy Ingredients.’ Instead, it’s CHEAP - and often TOXIC - fillers.

‘Fillers’ are added to supplements to make it easier for Powder to flow, if they’re trying to pour it into something (like a Capsule). And, easier for the Powder to stick, if they’re trying to make it into a Tablet.

It’s all about the manufacturers convenience and cost. They don’t care if the FILLERS they’re using are bad for you.


When you take ReCharge you needn’t worry about ‘Toxic Fillers.’ Because we only use Safe, Natural Ingredients…

No Toxic Fillers, no Sugar, no Trans Fats. Nothing Artificial. And, nothing GMO (Genetically Modified).

#5. It Doesn’t Contain Dangerous Nutrients

Caffeine is dangerous.

Anything that can dehydrate you, stress-you-out, and stop your body producing REAL ENERGY - HAS TO be dangerous.

And, Caffeine does all those things to you. And more.

It’s clearly a DANGEROUS ingredient.

For that reason - drinking Coffee, and ‘Energy Drinks,’ isn’t a wise move. Because they all contain A TON of Caffeine.

But, ReCharge doesn’t.

It’s 100% healthy.

And, 100% Caffeine-FREE.

Made up of nothing but Ancient Taoist SuperHerbs - that have THOUSANDS of years of Research, and PROOF, behind them.

#6. It Contains Highly Potent SuperHerbs

Most of the things people use to get ENERGY - like Coffee and ‘Energy Drinks’ - don’t contain anything healthy.

And, even when an ‘Energy Drink’ Manufacturer adds in a couple of fancy sounding Herbal Ingredients - you can pretty much guarantee a few things:

  1. They’ll use really cheap, LOW quality sources (because they don’t wanna spend the money on REAL stuff, that really works)
  2. They’ll add such a SMALL amount that the results wouldn’t be noticeable, even if the quality was high
  3. Any beneficial effects of anything good they’re adding - isn’t anywhere near enough to cancel out the detrimental effects of the Caffeine
“ReCharge Helps You De-Stress, Sleep Well, and Be Relaxed and Calm”

Same goes with so-called ‘Health Supplements’…

Not only are most of them full of TOXIC FILLERS - most don’t contain high quality, truly potent ingredients. And, most don't contain enough of the ‘Active Ingredients’ to actually give you a noticeable effect.

ReCharge is different…

Because you get a whopping 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder per serving.

And, the SuperHerbs you get are 10:1 Extract. Meaning 2 teaspoons of ReCharge gives you the equivalent of 20 teaspoons of Raw (Unextracted) SuperHerbs.

The typical supplement you find on the market might contain 500mg of the unextracted SuperHerb, per serving. With ReCharge - it’s 5,000mg of Extracted SuperHerbs…

Which is the equivalent of 50,000mg of UNEXTRACTED SuperHerbs.

In other words - one serving of ReCharge contains 100X the Active Ingredient of a standard Herbal Supplement. Explaining why you get BIG RESULTS when you consume ReCharge:

More energy….

Better sleep…

Higher Libido…

Better endurance.

This is a powerful product. Make no mistake about that my friend.

#7. It Produces Rapid Results

Do you know the #1 reason why most supplements are sold in CAPSULE format?


And, almost certainly not what you think.

Check it out:

Scientific Research has proven that people associate a CAPSULE with being a DRUG. And, people think drugs work, and do them good.

So, supplement companies subconsciously trick people into thinking they’re Capsule Based Supplements will have ‘Drug-Like Speed, Power and Effects.’

Yet, research shows it’s usually just a Placebo…

Meaning, most supplements don’t really work. People just get a temporary benefit from them - because, in their mind, they think they’re doing something positive for their health!

The other benefit to selling supplements in Capsules, is this:

People expect to take ‘2 Capsules.’ That’s like an ‘Industry Standard’ serving suggestion.

Now, in 2 capsules, the reality is that the quantity of produce is usually PATHETICALLY small. So, by selling in Capsules, companies can sell you 60 Capsules (a month’s supply if you take ‘2 a day’) and it costs them PEANUTS.


ReCharge is NOT sold in Capsules.

Instead, it comes in Ready-Made POWDERED form (just like Coffee). You get a HUGE 2 teaspoons per serving…

Giving you enough QUANTITY of product to get you seriously good results.Remember what I said in the previous section: one serving of ReCharge contains 100X the Active Ingredients of a standard Herbal Supplement.

And, the other thing you should know, is THIS

Capsules are often hard to break down for your body - meaning you don’t absorb and assimilate all of the nutrients in them. And, making them tough on your Digestive System.

But, because ReCharge comes in powdered form - that you can consume like Instant Coffee, or in your favourite smoothie or soup - it’s super-easy for your body to digest, absorb, assimilate and get benefit from!

And, remember - the BENEFITS are HUGE…

Consume 2 Teaspoons of ReCharge Per Day, and You’ll Experience:

Who Needs ReCharge-and Who Doesn’t?
Take The Self Assessment Quiz Now…

“Take The Best SuperHerbs - and You'll be Able to Have Sex All Night Long!”

To know, for certain, whether or not you need ReCharge - take the following Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Here’s how it works:

Do you ever:

  • Struggle to get up in the mornings, still feeling ‘half asleep’ as you drag yourself out of bed?
  • Notice Dark Circles under your eyes? (FACT: this is a sign of Low Reserve Energy, and Adrenal Overload)
  • Have problems getting to sleep, or staying asleep?
  • Have a ‘Mid-Afternoon Energy Crash’ - usually around 3 or 4pm - where you feel TIRED, Sluggish and Lethargic no matter what you do?
  • Rely on Coffee, Sugar, Chocolate and other Stimulants to give you FAKE Energy?
  • Feel Stressed, Anxious or Agitated - as opposed to feeling Calm, Relaxed and Confident?
  • Drink more than 1 Cup of Coffee in a week?
  • Feel Tired and Exhausted, completely lacking any Real Energy?
  • Eat Processed, Sugar-Rich Foods?
  • Wish you had a BIGGER Sex-Drive - so you could enjoy sex much more often?

Here’s what your answers mean:

  • 0 “YES’s.” You’re a very lucky person, who clearly has an abundance of Health, Energy and Vitality. You may very well not need ReCharge (although, you would still benefit from it - because you can never have too much Reserve Energy)
  • 1-2 “YES’s.” You likely have reasonable Energy Levels - though you could improve them. ReCharge should give you a satisfying Boost
  • 3-4 “YES’s.” Your Health, Energy and Vitality definitely need improvement. You could benefit greatly from taking ReCharge
  • 5-7 “YES’s.” You’re SUFFERING. Big time. Taking ReCharge could help dramatically change your life. By giving you way more Health, Energy and Vitality
  • 8-10 “YES’s.” You’re barely making it through the day, relying on Caffeine, and Stimulants all day long. You’re TIRED and EXHAUSTED nearly all the time. ReCharge is absolutely essential for you. And, to be honest - you probably need to take it long-term, to get the full benefit

In all honesty, if you already jump out of bed every day - feeling ENERGISED and EXCITED to attack the day… and you enjoy high energy levels all day long (without relying on Coffee, Sugar or Stimulants to give you FAKE Energy)…

Then, you might not need ReCharge.

If you already have a HUGE Libido - and you enjoy regular sex, pretty much every day of the week:

Then, you might not need ReCharge.


If you’re the kind of person who feels Calm, Relaxed and CONFIDENT at all times - and you never feel Anxious, Stressed or Agitated…

Then, you might not need ReCharge.

Listen up.

You, and only you, know if you need ReCharge. And, the great thing is - you don’t have to guess…

Just use your answers in the ‘Self-Assessment Quiz’ above to guide you.

Bottom line?

Unless you answered “NO” to all 10 questions - ReCharge can really help you. And, if you answered “YES” to 3 or more questions - it’s probably going to make you feel much MUCH better.

Now, listen…

When you invest in ReCharge today, you’ll not only get the most powerful Energy, Recovery, Stamina and Libido Boosting SuperHerb Blend on the market

You’ll also get:

5 Outstanding FREE Bonuses - Worth $331.91!

When you invest in a packet of ReCharge today, you’ll get 5 amazing bonuses. Worth $331.91. For FREE.

You don’t wanna miss them.

Here are the details…

Bonus #1: Unlimited Energy

In The Unlimited Energy Program, I’ll show you 77 Proven ways to improve your Energy Levels.

Use one or two of the techniques - and you can expect a nice INCREASE in your Energy Levels.

Use a handful of the techniques - and you can reasonably expect to feel like a whole new person! Fully Energized, fully ready to make the most of each and every day, and reach your true potential.

Of course, when you use the proven Energy Boosting Techniques in the Unlimited Energy Program, and you take ReCharge…

Oh boy! That’s when you’re gonna send your Energy Levels into the Stratosphere!

Bonus Value: $100

You Pay: Nothing (It’s FREE - when you invest in ReCharge today).

Bonus #2: Fix Your Belly Fat: Platinum Edition

These days, the number of people who are overweight, obese and morbidly obese is on the rise. Especially in the USA.

For proof, check these Official Stats:

Clearly, staying slim in today's’ modern World ain't easy.

Yet, being overweight is not something you should ignore, or ‘just accept.’ Because, aside from looking UGLY, and making you NOT wanna get NAKED and enjoy a great Sex-Life - being overweight has been Scientifically Proven to increase your chances of getting:

And more (including Erectile Dysfunction for men).

Great News:

In the Fix Your Belly Fat Program - that I created with my friend, Master Sex Coach Adam Armstrong - you’ll discover:

How to lose all your unwanted body-fat quickly and easily - so you can finally look great in front of the Mirror, and feel Super-Confident, even when you’re NAKED).

And, you’ll discover exactly how to do that without Counting Calories, without doing Endless Boring Cardio… and without Spending your Life In The Gym doing thousands of mind-numbing Crunches or Sit-Ups.

No fads, gimmicks or empty promises.

Just a ‘Fast Fat Loss System’ that really works (and dramatically improves your Health, Energy Levels and Vitality - whereas most ‘Diets’ ruin those things).

The Fix Your Belly Fat: Platinum Edition comes in both eBook and Audio Formats… so you can enjoy the program by reading or listening. Your choice.

Bonus Value: $39.97

You Pay: Nothing (It’s FREE - when you invest in ReCharge today).

Bonus #3: The Superior Sleep System

Sleeping well can help to FIX a lot of health challenges, and really improve your quality of life.

For instance, when you sleep well, you tend to:

Yet, the sad truth is - many people really STRUGGLE to get to sleep well.

If you don’t fall asleep quickly and easily, and stay asleep - without interruption - for at least 7 or more hours each night…

You have a Sleep PROBLEM. Period.

And, you’re not alone if you do!

Because, in a recent poll - nearly 50% of Americans described their sleep as ‘Terrible, Poor or Only Fair.’ And, only 11% described their sleep as ‘Very good.’

Yet, you don’t have to accept POOR SLEEP.

Because, in this powerful Bonus, worth $77 - that isn’t currently available anywhere else! - you’ll discover a Treasure Chest of PROVEN Sleep Strategies…

Proven Sleep Strategies that’ll let you get to sleep easily, and stay asleep - uninterrupted - all night long.

Prepare to feel like a whole new man!

Bonus Value: $77

You Pay: Nothing (It’s FREE - when you invest in ReCharge today).

Bonus #4: The Top 10 ‘Energy Killers’ and How to Avoid Them

Years of research, combined with personally helping THOUSANDS of people to improve their energy levels, has led me to the following conclusion:

There are 10 common, everyday habits that screw up most people’s Energy.

In my experience, 95% of people do at least 7 or 8 of these things every single day (and some people do all 10). The end result being:

Very low energy.

Yet, here’s the thing…

All these ‘Energy Killing Habits’ are EASY to avoid, once you’re aware of them. So my advice to you is simple:

Go through this Bonus - The Top 10 ‘Energy Killer’s and How to Avoid Them - carefully… and then try your best to avoid these things that are PROVEN to hurt your energy…

Do that, while also taking ReCharge to pro-actively BOOST your Energy Levels - and you’re going to get incredible results! ;)

Bonus Value: $64.97

You Pay: Nothing (It’s FREE - when you invest in ReCharge today).

Bonus #5:The 3 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast - for ‘All-Day Energy’

I’ll share a quick secret with you right now… Here goes:

Most people in the USA (and all Rich, Western Nations) eat a breakfast that pretty much guarantees they’ll have Energy Spikes and Huge Energy Crashes for the rest of the day!

That thought in mind, in this Bonus, I’m going to show you 3 of the best foods you can eat at breakfast time. In contrast to the typical American/Western Breakfast - these 3 foods set you up to experience HIGH ENERGY all-day, every day ;)


These 3 foods:

Bonus Value: $49.99

You Pay: Nothing (It’s FREE - when you invest in ReCharge today).

So, there you have it…

5 Awesome Bonuses - worth a combined $331.91 - yours for FREE. When you invest in a packet of ReCharge today.


The BIG Question:
“What’s It Gonna Cost to
Get Your Hands On
a Packet of ReCharge?”

Many people spend several dollars a day on a cup of Coffee. From a fancy Coffee Shop.

Some people do that MORE THAN ONCE a day.

Others spend even more money on The Latest and Greatest ‘Energy Drink’ - at a cost of several bucks a can.

That’s an expensive habit…

One that can easily cost you several hundred dollars a month. Without you even realising it.

Just a few bucks a day - yet it all adds up.

Really crazy thing is that Coffee, and Energy Drinks, don't even give you REAL ENERGY. They actually give you FAKE Energy (Remember the story I told you earlier about the Wolf drinking it’s own Blood)…

And, over time - you need more and more Coffee (and other Caffeinated Drinks) to keep getting the same effect. Because they slowly but surely drain you of Health and Vitality.

It’s a great business for the Huge Companies who sell this crap… because they make you dependent on them!

But, it’s lousy for your Health and Well-Being - and AWFUL for your Sex-Life.

ReCharge is a fantastic alternative to Poisonous Stimulants such as Caffeine, Coffee, Sugar and so-called ‘Energy Drinks.’

Because, it’ll give you Superb Energy Levels. While also boosting your overall Health and Well-Being.

Of course, ReCharge can also transform your sex-life, giving both Men and Women several Sexual Benefits.

For Men:

And, for Women:

Now, I do ‘get’ it…

As you’re reading these awesome benefits that ReCharge can give you… you might be worried that it's going to cost a FORTUNE.

And, to be honest…

Many people would gladly pay a fortune for this product.

Yet, the truth is that I want as many people as possible to benefit from ReCharge. For that reason, I’ve decided to price it as LOW as I can (without putting myself out of business).


What exactly is ReCharge gonna cost?

500 bucks for a month’s supply?

Nope. Though I bet you’d GLADLY pay that much, once you feel the effects.

250 bucks a packet?

Nope. Even though it’d be a TOTAL BARGAIN at that price.


No. Still much higher than I’ve priced it for you.

In fact, I’m not gonna charge you $177…

Or $147…

Or even $127.

See, right here, right now, today - you can get your hands on 1 packet of ReCharge - for just 77 bucks.

That’s less than 100 dollars for a SAFE, NATURAL, Great-Tasting SuperHerb Formula that can Sky-Rocket your Energy Levels…

And, dramatically improve your Mental Clarity and Focus, your Endurance and Stamina, your Libido, and, so much more!

All for a fraction of the price that a ‘Coffee, Sugar and Energy Drink Addiction’ costs you!

How ReCharge
Can Save You Money! ...

“ReCharge Could Save You Thousands of Dollars a Year. Question is:How Will You Spend It?”

In fact, you’ll actually be SAVING MONEY when you invest in a packet of ReCharge today - because you’ll no longer need to spend your hard-earned cash on Coffee, other Caffeinated Drinks, and Sugar-Rich Foods.

Think about it…

A packet of ReCharge costs less than a hundred bucks a month. Whereas, regular Coffee, ‘Energy Drinks,’ Soda, Tea and Chocolate can easily cost hundreds of dollars a month!


You also won’t have to spend hundreds of dollars a month on ‘Downers’ - such as ALCOHOL and Cannabis - that you might normally use to CALM YOU DOWN, and help you ‘De-Stress’, at the end of the day.

So, not only will ReCharge give you a whole new level of Health, Energy and Vitality, it’ll be remarkably good for your Bank Balance too - because it’ll actually SAVE YOU MONEY!

Heck, it could literally save you hundreds, or thousands of dollars, a month…

Tens of thousands of dollars a year…

Enough money to buy a fancy New Car, go on a Luxury 5 Star Vacation - or even extend your home!

And, that’s just the immediate saving. How much more money might you be able to earn when you have enough Energy, you can think Clearly, and you can be Productive?

For me, the difference has been dramatic:

I went from earning Minimum Wage, when I had LOW Energy Levels - to being in the top 1% of earners now my Energy Levels are HIGH.

Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many Wealthy people. And, I can tell you - they’re all HIGH ENERGY people.

The secret to Wealth - that they don’t want you to know - is having HIGH ENERGY LEVELS!!!

Also, remember…

You get 5 FREE Bonuses - worth over 330 dollars - thrown in to sweeten the deal. And, you can save even more money if you invest in 3 packets of ReCharge instead to 1

Have I gone mad?


I just really want as many folks as possible - including you - to benefit from ReCharge. Period. Full Stop. The end.

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.

Fantastic News:
Your Purchase Is 100% Risk-Free - Here’s Why…

“You’re Purchase is Covered by a 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction or Your Money-Back Guarantee”

Doesn’t matter whether you choose to invest in 1 packet - or 3 packets - of ReCharge today…

Either way, whatever you decide - your purchase is 100% RISK-FREE.

Here’s how it works…

When you invest in some ReCharge today, you’re covered by my: 

Rock-Solid, 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction, or Your Money-Back Guarantee.

This means you can try the product out for a full 60 Days. And then, if you’re not happy with your purchase for any reason - just send back the empty packets - and my Friendly, Native English Speaking Support Team will gladly refund you, in full.

Every cent.

No questions asked. No excuses. No ‘Funny Business.’

And, check THIS:

Even if you ask for a refund - I’ll still let you keep ALL the Bonuses…

Bonus 1: The Unlimited Energy Program (worth $100)

Bonus 2: The Fix Your Belly Fat Platinum Edition Program (worth $39.97)

Bonus 3: The Superior Sleep System (worth $77)

Bonus 4: The 3 Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast - for ‘All-Day Energy’ (worth $49.99)

Bonus 5: The Top 10 ‘Energy Killers’ and How to Avoid Them (worth $64.97)

All 5 Bonuses - worth $331.93. You can keep ‘em all. Even if you ask for a refund.

I can’t really say fairer than that, can I?

I can’t make this any more of a ‘No-Brainer’ for you.

However, all that said, the truth is - I doubt very much that you’ll ask for a refund!


Because ReCharge is, to be quite frank… AWESOME.  For proof, consider that thousands of people have purchased ReCharge

It has the LOWEST refund rate of any product we’ve ever sold - and of any product we’ve ever heard of!

It has the highest rate of REPEAT Customers (people who buy it over and over and over again, every month), because it works so well.

And, we regularly get Success Stories from happy, satisfied users.

Remember - it’ll likely give you the following benefits, and more:

Ultimately, my guess is this

Once you experience the POWER, and sheer EFFECTIVENESS, of ReCharge…

Not only will you not ask for a refund, you’ll also:

One final point…

Do you really think I could offer a 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee - with No Questions Asked - if ReCharge didn’t work?

Of course I couldn’t!

Because, to be totally honest… it’d put me out of business. Virtually overnight.

In business, you can only offer Money-Back Guarantees like this one - when your product REALLY works.

ReCharge REALLY works.

I can’t wait for you to try it out for yourself, and see what I mean! :)

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.


Without Even Realising It - Are You Burning Yourself Out, and Killing Your Sex-Life?*”

“ReCharge will Help You Be Happy, Healthy, Full of Energy - and Enjoy a Great Sex-Life!”


Just imagine it…

Looking 15, 20, 30, or even 35 years OLDER than you are…

Feeling TIRED, and EXHAUSTED, all the time - without the Energy to do anything

Without the Energy, or Desire, even to have SEX!

Wouldn’t that be horrible?

It’d be just about the worst thing that could ever happen to you, right?

Looking, feeling and performing like crap.

Washed up, useless, no longer attractive to members of the opposite sex.

No longer able to get anything Productive done…

No longer able to enjoy great sex.


Sounds like Hell on Earth, doesn’t it?

And yet, that’s the reality for MILLIONS of people in America - and other ‘Western, Civilised, Developed Countries.’

Sooner or later, all the Health, Energy, and Vitality is DRAINED out of their bodies. And, they walk around like Zombies, ‘Jacked-Up’ on Stimulants (including Coffee, Sugar, so-called 'Energy Drinks,’ and Chocolate) all day long

All carrying a ‘Shameful Secret’ around with them…

The ‘Shameful Secret’ being that - even if they were in bed with [Insert Your Favorite Red-Hot Celebrity’s Name Here] - they wouldn’t have the desire to ‘get it on.’

What a Cruel Joke.


In many cultures - men father kids at 80 years old!

And, women bear children well into their 50’s and beyond.

Yet, in our Western, Civilised, WEALTHY culture - 98% of men start noticing a serious LOSS of Energy and Sexual Potency at just 30 years of age…

By 40, they’re already starting to SUFFER….

And, as the decades roll by - they get worse, and worse, and worse.

Women in Western, Civilised, Wealthy Cultures aren’t doing any better - with many of them struggling to get pregnant, even when they’re only in their 20’s and 30’s!

Truth is:

By 55, or 60, most people literally have no vitality left at all. They’re all hooked on Pills and Drugs. And, they all think that being Sick, Tired, Exhausted - with almost no Sex-Drive whatsoever - is ‘just a part of Getting Old.’

What a Huge, Gigantic, Steaming Pile of HorseShit!

You want the truth?

Well, here it is my friend…

A Human Being is capable of living well past 100. And, enjoying a high quality of life right up until the last few weeks, or months. And “YES” - there are many Scientific Studies of Indigenous Cultures that back this up!

And yet, in America today, average life expectancy is just 70-something - and most people are suffering a loss of quality of life starting at 30. For some, it’s in their 20’s (including me) - or even their teens!

And, it only gets WORSE as time goes by.

What’s causing it?

Well, bad diet, and a lack of exercise is one HUGE CAUSE…

Think about it…

We’re designed to eat natural foods, and move around. That’s how we lived in our ‘Hunter Gatherer’ Days.

Yet, today, in all the World’s Rich, Western Countries - most people sit on their backsides all day. And eat TOXIC, processed food that’s full of Sugar, Trans Fats, Artificial Preservatives, GMO’s - and a ton of other crap that robs you of Health, Energy and Vitality.

Now, you may have heard all that before. But, did you know that Stimulants - including Caffeine, Coffee, many Sodas, ‘Energy Drinks,’ and Sugar - are arguably an even BIGGER PROBLEM?

If you want to PREVENT yourself from being able to get Calm and be Relaxed - and you enjoy living off FAKE ENERGY, feeling Stressed all the time, and having a poor Sex-Drive - then, hey…

Coffee, Sugar and ‘Energy Drinks’ may well seem like a good idea!

But, if you want real Health, real Vitality, REAL ENERGY…

And, a really high SEX-DRIVE...

Then, hey - it’s time to GET REAL.

Coffee, Sugar, Stimulants, ‘Energy Drinks.’ They’re a BAD JOKE. Because they're draining you of all your Energy and Vitality.

And, they’re costing you a FORTUNE.

There is, however, a better way…

It’s called: ReCharge. And it will give you REAL ENERGY. While dramatically improving your Health, Vitality, Sex-Life, and Overall Wellbeing.

In fact:

ReCharge Will Give You The Following Benefits:

  • Huge Energy Levels - without those Productivity-Zapping ‘Energy Crashes’ (once you experience this even, steady kind of Energy all day long - your desire to drink Toxic Poison like Coffee will vanish. Virtually in an INSTANT)
  • More Relaxed and Calm States (and less Anxiety, Agitation, Stress and Paranoia)
  • Better Sleep (you’ll fall asleep easier, sleep through the night better, and wake up without feeling groggy in the mornings - feeling much more refreshed and energetic… and without the urge to drink Coffee to ‘Perk You Up’)
  • Higher Sex-Drive (trust me… I speak from personal experience, and the feedback from many happy drinkers of ReCharge - when I tell you that you will experience and enjoy a much Higher Libido when you drink this stuff regularly! And “YES” - this is true for both Men and Women ;)
  • A Higher Level of Athletic Performance (because ReCharge gives you better Energy, improved Stamina, and increased Endurance… indeed, one of the key ingredients is a SuperHerb used by many Olympic Level Athletes!)
  • More Productivity (how can you fail to be more Productive when you have way more Energy, and much better Stamina, and Endurance? The answer is… you can’t.)

All you have to do is consume 2 teaspoons of the Safe, Natural, Great-Tasting, Ready-Mixed Powder - once a day. Either like Instant Coffee (by simply adding hot water to it, and giving it a stir)…

Or, by adding it to your favourite smoothie or soup. Or even sprinkling it over your breakfast cereal.

Doesn't get any simpler.

Of course, it’s your choice…

You could carry on poisoning yourself with Coffee, Caffeine and Sugar - ultimately burning yourself out, and killing your Libido.

However, if you're ready to ‘Step Up’ and start experiencing REAL ENERGY - and an unstoppable Sex-Drive - then you’re gonna wanna grab a packet of ReCharge today...


You should know that, despite our best efforts - we regularly SELL OUT of this powerful product…

The current Special Offer Prices will only be available until the timers on this page hit ZERO. And, we could even SELL OUT before the timers reach zero.

My point?

History favours, and tends to reward - people of ACTION.

So take advantage now, while you still can! Click one of the GREEN ‘Order Now’ BUTTONS below, then following the simple ‘1-Step-Checkout’ Process…

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.

Enjoy ReCharge!

And, I’ll talk to you soon…

Your friend,

Elwin Robinson's Signature

Elwin Robinson
Creator of ReCharge. Master Herbalist, and World Renowned Health and Wellness Expert

P.S. The Proven Science is clear…

Coffee, Sugar, so-called ‘Energy Drinks,’ and other Stimulants (such as Chocolate), ROB you of Energy - and help to DESTROY your Health, Vitality and Sex-Drive in the long-run.

All these Stimulants are really good for is making the Huge Companies that sell them - VERY RICH. Because, the more Coffee, Sugar and ‘Energy Drinks’ you consume…

The more you have to consume, as time goes by, to keep getting the same effect!

It’s a PERFECT business model.

Just a shame it POISONS innocent people, like you and I.

Note: Very occasionally stimulants can be useful. For instance, if it’s the difference between you STAYING AWAKE, or falling asleep at the wheel - obviously you should still use the stimulant. But remember - they should be used for EMERGENCIES only.

Great News:

There’s now a Great-Tasting, Safe and Natural alternative to Coffee. One that actually improves your Health, Energy and Well-Being…

As well as giving you a HUGE Sex-Drive.

This Safe, Natural, Great Tasting Alternative to Coffee is called:


And, right now - you can get it at a heavily discounted price, along with 5 Free, and Awesome Bonuses, worth nearly $331.93.


Your order is totally RISK-FREE, because you're covered by my Rock-Solid, 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction, Money-Back Guarantee

Making your investment today a total ‘No-Brainer.’

Only downside?

The PRICE will go WAY UP very soon - when the Timers on this page hit ZERO.

Even worse

We may SELL OUT of stock of ReCharge before the Timers hit Zero. Then, you won't be able to get your hands on this Energy Boosting SuperHerb Blend at any price... and, you won't be able get your hands on the Bonuses either!

So, to avoid missing out, the smart move right now would be to:

Click one of the GREEN ‘Order Now’ Buttons below, follow the simple ‘1-Step-Checkout’ Process - and I’ll rush you your ReCharge...

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.

What Exactly Is In ReCharge that Makes It So Powerful and Effective?

There are 9 Powerful, Ancient Taoist SuperHerbs in ReCharge. Combined in very specific quantities - to give you AMAZING Energy Levels…

Inside, and outside, of the bedroom.

I’ll tell you about the 9 SuperHerbs in just a second. First, lemme confirm the following important points for you…


You should also know that ReCharge is different to any Supplements you may have tried, because you get a whopping 2 teaspoons of the ready-mixed powder per serving.

And, the SuperHerbs you get are 10:1 Extract. Meaning, 2 teaspoons of ReCharge gives you the equivalent of a whopping 20 teaspoons of Raw (Unextracted) SuperHerbs.

The typical supplement you find on the market might contain 500mg of the unextracted SuperHerb, per serving. With ReCharge - it’s 5,000mg of Extracted SuperHerbs…

Which is the equivalent of 50,000mg of UNEXTRACTED SuperHerbs.

In other words - one serving of ReCharge contains 100X the Active Ingredient of a standard Herbal Supplement. Explaining why you get BIG RESULTS when you consume ReCharge:

More energy….

Better sleep…

More staying power in the bedroom…

Higher Libido…

Better endurance.

This is a powerful product. Make no mistake about that my friend.

Now, let's take a look at each of the 9 SuperHerbs in ReCharge…

Ho She Wu

SuperHerb #1: Ho She Wu

Prepared Rehmannia

SuperHerb #2: Prepared Rehmannia


SuperHerb #3: Schizandra

Eucommia Bark

SuperHerb #4: Eucommia Bark


SuperHerb #5: Chaga


SuperHerb #6: Codonopsis

Goji Berry

SuperHerb #7: Goji Berry


SuperHerb #8: Cordyceps


SuperHerb #9: Ophiopogon

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.

Frequently Asked Questions About ReCharge…

Question: What Makes ReCharge Better Than Coffee?

As explained in great detail, scientifically, on this page - Coffee (and other Caffeinated drinks such as Tea, many Sodas, so-called ‘Energy Drinks,’ and Chocolate) - do NOT give you Real Energy.

Instead, what they actually do is make you STRESSED. While also preventing you from feeling Calm and Relaxed.

All of this gives you a FAKE ENERGY - that ultimately robs you of Healthy, Energy and Vitality.

In contrast, ReCharge is made up of 7 Powerful Eastern SuperHerbs that improve your Health and Vitality…

Giving you All-Day-Energy…

Allowing you to feel Calm, Relaxed, and Stress-Free…

Endowing you with High Energy Levels, Improved Mental Clarity and Focus, Increased Endurance and Stamina, and a Bigger Sex-Drive.

Clearly then, ReCharge is vastly superior to Coffee in many ways. And, inferior to it in none!

Question: When Can I Expect to See Results?

Quite possibly after just one serving…

Almost certainly within 2-5 days of taking ReCharge.

Question: Does ReCharge Come with A Money-Back Guarantee?

YES. Absolutely.

Because ReCharge is proven to work…

...and because the 9 Superherb ingredients have THOUSANDS of years of research and proof behind them, I can offer you an industry-leading guarantee.

Here’s how it works…

Order today and enjoy ReCharge once-a-day for 60 days.

Then, if don’t feel Higher Energy Levels, Improved Mental Clarity and Focus, Increased Endurance and Stamina, and a Bigger Sex-Drive – simply send me back your empty bag and I’ll refund you in FULL.

No questions asked.

Can’t say fairer than that…


I'll even let you keep ALL 5 of the bonuses - worth $331.93!

So you’re getting probably the most powerful All-Natural Energy Booster in the World – and you’re getting it entirely RISK-FREE.

Question: Are The Ingredients In ReCharge Safe?

The only ingredients in ReCharge are 100% NATURAL.

It’s completely safe.

Just follow the recommendations on the label and you cannot go wrong.


The 9 Superherbs that make up this powerful formula have thousands of years of proof behind them – from the Ancient Taoist Masters (who were some of the greatest Health, Energy, Vitality, and Sexual Masters to ever live).

I’ve simply taken these proven ingredients, and created a formula that is mind-blowingly effective for any person who wants more Health, more Energy, more Vitality, and a much larger Sex-Drive ;)

Question: I’m In My 60’s - Am I Too Old to Benefit From ReCharge?

Absolutely not!

In fact, most of our customers are 40 +.

And, many of our customers are 55 +.

Because, you’re never too old to benefit from this proven formula.

Honestly, you could be 99 years old and I’d still encourage you to take it – because it’ll not only help you gain more ENERGY – but also because it’ll give you a ton of other health benefits, including:

And, so much more.

Question: How Much Is Shipping?

Shipping is FREE. Worldwide.

Question: How Is ReCharge Shipped?

In discreet, plain brown packaging.

Just like this:

Question: How Long Will It Take for My Order To Arrive?

US Orders should normally arrive within 3-5 working days.

International Orders should arrive within 7-14 days (though, please allow up to 21 days).

If you have any problems – simply contact us at and one of our friendly, native English speaking support staff will be happy to assist you.

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.

What Happy Users Are Saying…

Feeling More Energy…

I'd just like to say how pleased I am with the ReCharge. I’m feeling more energized, and a lot calmer. I'm also able to easily adapt to situations that would previously have felt very difficult. Thanks Elwin!

- V.M. 20th April 2016

More Energy, Better Digestion...

After 10 days of taking ReCharge, I’m feeling more Energy, and better Digestion!

- A.S. 2nd April 2016

Felt Energy Like I Hadn’t Felt In Years...

Years of using Steroids, and working out for 2-3 hours a day at the gym had left me exhausted. It’d also pretty much ruined my sex-life too - because I no longer had much of a Libido. Then, I tried ReCharge. The results? Within a week I felt ENERGY like I hadn’t felt in years. Within 10 days, I felt my Sex-Drive come back in a way that told me my Health and Vitality were markedly improved. The fact it tastes great is the ‘Icing on the Cake.’

- S.M. Former Bodybuilder

Relaxed, and Stress-Free…

ReCharge makes me feel so Relaxed, and Stress-Free. I see the same benefits in my friends who are also taking this product.

- V.V. 8th January 2016

Powerful, and Tastes Great...

I was sceptical of ReCharge, at first. I thought: “How can a couple teaspoons of this powder possibly have an effect on me?” Then I realised Coffee has a clear effect on me, and it’s not a good one! So, I gave ReCharge a try, and I'm astounded at how powerful it is. And how good it tastes. It's like coffee, but naturally sweeter. And, best of all - I like how it makes me feel - full of Energy. The whole thing is such a good idea. If I’m gonna have a hot beverage, I want one that does me good. ReCharge achieves that completely. The work Elwin is doing is genius.

- J.B. Internet Marketing Guru

Improved Health, Added Muscle...

I am just writing to you to congratulate you on your ReCharge Superherb Blend. I recently made some Lifestyle Changes, including using ReCharge, to improve my physical body and my overall health. I would gladly report that the results have been quite astonishing. I have been feeling so much better in my mind, and my body. My physique has so dramatically improved my friends thought I was using steroids! I would, without hesitation, recommend ReCharge to anyone, especially those who want to improve muscle gain.

- A.S. Entrepreneur, and Weight Trainer

More Energy Than I’ve Experienced In Decades...

I’m 66. And, when I recently told my Doctor that I was feeling low on Energy, and rather tired all the time, he simply said: "Well, you're getting older, but here's some Ritalin to pump you up."  As a believer in living a NATURAL LIFESTYLE, I didn’t like the idea of taking this Drug. So, I looked for something else to give me the Health and Energy Levels I was searching for. Eventually I came across ReCharge, and have been taking it for about 3 months. The results have been great… I’ve lost 6lbs of Body-Fat, and I’m working-out 6 Days a Week. I’ve also stopped drinking coffee, and I’m enjoying more ENERGY than I’ve experienced in decades.

- L.M. Teacher

Increased Energy, and Better Mental Clarity...

I’ve been drinking the 'ReCharge' Tea for a couple weeks now, and have to say it's truly amazing. Very good for energy and clarity. It tastes delicious too.

- I.C.

Results Feel Instant...

I gotta tell ya Elwin, I’ve taken many good SuperHerb Blends… but, your ReCharge - NOW WE ARE TALKING! When results are INSTANT you know you're onto a good thing! I’ll be drinking this stuff FOREVER! Mega Energy!

- M.N. Entrepreneur, and Health Enthusiast

Feels Amazing - Full of Energy...

Hi Elwin. Just wanted to let you know that I drank ReCharge for the first time, last night. I’ve woken up today feeling amazing - full of energy. I also feel really clear headed, and I’m not craving Coffee or Soda (which I’m usually hooked on).

- M.P. Dietician

Improved Chronic Fatigue...

I have been taking ReCharge for 2 weeks now. I've had Chronic Fatigue since I was 17 years old. I'm now 36 and have got to say it has made a marked improvement (and I have tried a multitude of things) Thank you!

- E.O.

From No Energy to Loads of Energy...

A few months ago I had a total lack of energy. So, I started drinking ReCharge once a day, as well as making a few other Healthy Nutritional Changes. As a result, my life has improved significantly: I now enjoy my job, which I previously disliked, and even got promoted. I recently had a holiday in my country of origin, Italy, and had loads of Energy. Enough ENERGY to travel around to visit museums and art galleries, see relatives and friends, and generally have a good time.

- F.C.

Warning: The Price Will Go UP In:

*IMPORTANT: Taking Advantage of our ‘Guaranteed Monthly Supply’ - or ‘Biggest Discount 3 Month Supply’ - is FREE, and gets you VIP Access to our Platinum Customer Club. Here’s how it works: Simply buy a packets of ReCharge at the special discounted rate of just $77 - or buy 3 packets at the special discount rate of $197 - and 'you're in.' Enrollment gets you your first packet of ReCharge for the crazy LOW price of just $77 (or $197 for 3 packets) - AND allows you to automatically receive a fresh packets every 30 days (or, 3 fresh packets every 3 months). Your credit card will be billed the special 'Platinum Customer Club' price of just $77 every month (or $197 every 3 months - including FREE Shipping & Handling). Non-Members pay $147 per packet - meaning you save BIG TIME. There are no minimum amounts of packets to buy and you can cancel at any time, simply by emailing: or by calling: (805) 284-9441

*Note: Your order includes the following 5 BONUSES, for free:

Remember: These 5 bonuses are worth a whopping $331.93. But you get them all, for FREE, when you invest in ReCharge today.


US (and International Orders): 805 284 9441

WARNING: the Superherbs in ReCharge are very powerful and effective. Plus, they are as safe as most natural foods. However, as with any foods, there is a small chance your body will have an adverse reaction to them. Please remember to always consult a qualified healthcare professional about any changes to your diet or lifestyle. This is especially important if you have any medical condition or are taking medication – please check with a qualified healthcare professional that it is safe for you to try this herbs.

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All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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